Meet the first hijabi chef that appeared on the American cooking show, Masterchef.
Amanda Saab is the kind of woman that reminds us of the importance of doing something that you love. Her personality, her passion for the culinary arts, and her undivided attention to her audience are more than enough to let her have her own light. This approach helped her break the stereotypes surrounding Muslim Arab Women and this gave her the strength to move forward.
She has used cooking as the ultimate outlet to deal with stress. Amanda is a devoted wife and mother that manages to find the perfect work/life balance as a social worker, entrepreneur, activist and chef. She is the perfect example of a person that is able to turn heads due to her accomplishments instead of her cultural differences.
ضيفتي اليوم هي نموذج عن النساء الذين اعطوا صورة جميلة و مميزة عن مجتمعنا العربي الاميركي. هي أول محجبة اشتركت في تلفزيون اميركي في برنامج Masterchef.
بعد غياب خمس سنين عاشتهم مع عائلتها في مدينة Seattle, عادت امان��ا إلى ولاية ميشيغان لتمارس خبرتها و شغفها بعالم الطبخ، و فتحت butter bear bakery. بالإضافة لوظيفتها في الخدمة الاجتماعية.
Watch this live episode of HEYA with Hanan Skaf.
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