Mental illness and Substance Abuse Stigma continue to be a major barrier for Arab Americans in our community. This topic has been a taboo for a long time and not nearly communicated as much as it should be.
Dealing with quarantine is hard enough. Where mixed emotions are on the rise with everyone. and It can create anxiety , fear of uncertainty but what about the people with preexisting conditions such as mental illness and addiction . Now more than ever it is so crucial to bring this topic to the surface during this unprecedented time.
Tune in for another live episode of HEYA with Hanan Skaf.
Guests: Mona Makki / Director, ACCESS Community Health and Research Center and Mona Abdallah-Hijazi is a Community Engagement Manager at ACCESS. She leads the ACCESS Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) Community Coalition
ترتبط الثقافة القائمة على العار بالمرض العقلي واضطرابات تعاطي المخدرات. فما هي كيفيةًالتعامل مع هذه المشكلة.
و أيضا ما مدى تاثير فيروس الكورونا على الصحة العقلية و الإدمان
This show is sponsored by Mint 29, The Harake Institute, Sushi Bar & The One.
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